In addition to gene conservation and breeding, we also produce and market propagation material of poplars and willows for foresters and planters of energy forests. This is carried out at the Bajti Breeding Yard of 40,9 ha, that is managed by the Forest Research Institute. Cultivar sortiments are maintained by FRI and available to foresters. They include poplar and willow varieties in popular production, cultivar candidates, and pure black poplar clones. The latter are verified by laboratory tests and can be offered for regeneration of poplar plantations on protected areas. The annual average of poplar and black poplar produced at the yard is 20 to 25,000 pieces. In addition, 10,000 pieces of root cuttings of experimental poplar are produced. The willow and poplar cuttings marketed each year amount to more than half a million pieces. The total area the system of stoolbeds is 13.8 hectares. It includes the stemwood collection of varieties and cultivar candidates improved and domesticated by the FRI and that of the propagation
material of stemwoods coming from abroad and involved in production. Central nurseries that supply elite propagation material for the establishment of large-scale nurseries, and large-scale nurseries that produce root cuttings of certified quality, are also part of the system. The system of central stoolbeds of promising domestic poplar and willow clones produced as a result of breeding at the FRI is also an important part of this stoolbed. The breeding yard at the same time is an important place for current breeding experiments. The area of experimental plots that are utilized in testing the rate of growth, pathogens and pests tolerance, and optimal growing technology of certain poplar and willow varieties, and to present them to the interested audience amount to 7 ha. Variety comparison trial and demonstration stand of 3 ha
should be mentioned. It is shaped as a production spacing that is most popular in domestic growing practice. It includes poplar cultivars, variety candidates, and promising clones undergoing tests, that are most suitable for coppice tilling. Professional meetings that are organized to present this experiment contribute to promoting the domestic dissemination of this technology. Beside producing propagation material, we also provide consultancy services concerning growing technology and protection of certain varieties to foresters.
Tree species |
Certified |
Cultivar candidate |
Poplar |
'Robusta', 'Sudár', 'Durvakérgű', 'I-214', 'Favorit', 'Agathe F', I-154', 'Pannónia', 'Blanc du Poitou', 'BL', 'I-273', 'I-45/51', 'Villafranca', 'Triplo', 'Kopecky', 'Parvifol', 'Koltay', 'Adonis' |
'H-328', 'S 298-8', 'Kornik 21', 'Rábamenti' |
Willow |
'Bédai egyenes', 'Pörbölyi', 'Csertai', 'I-1/59', 'I-4/59', 'Drávamenti' |
'Sárvár-1' |
Table 1: poplar and willow varieties produced and marketed at the FRI Bajti Breeding Yard
ERTI Bajti Nemesítő Telepe (FRI Bajti Breeding Yard)
Manager: Roland Takács
phone: +36 30 749 7808
address: 9600 Sárvár, Várkerület 30/A.
Fax: +36 95 320 252
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.