The exploration and utilization of forest genetic resources cover a wide range of different areas from the improvement of varieties for timber production to the sustainment of the adaptability of native stands. We tried to carry on research and development in a way that propagation material of adequate quality and sufficient quantity will always be available for forestation and forest regeneration. As regards plantations, our main task is to propagate the material of stable identical varieties most suitable for the given site conditions. Well-selected propagation
material will determine the starting positon, the development and the profitability of forestation. Concerning our native stands we investigate the effects of disturbances on genetic structure in order to determine a stand structure serving for high quality timber production yet still adaptable to changing environmental conditions. Our key research areas include the selection of poplars produced through controlled hybridization particularly for primary wood
production and forestation; production of poplar and willow varieties for energy plantations, with high yield, safely grown and put into production under home environmental conditions; analysis of the effects of silviculture on genetic resources in order to work out genetic aspects of near-natural sylviculture with special regard to the changing environment and dynamic gene preservation principles; maintenance of forest gene collections and central primary plantations.