A t t r a c t i o n s :
Lonicera, Cotoneaster, Ligustrum, Taxus, Juniperus, Acer, Corylus, Rosa, Prunus, Mahonia, Viburnum, Crataegus, Fraxinus species, also propagating naturally, are of great significance in the Arboretum. Various woody peonies, a pedunculate oak stand established in 1928, a special Gymoncladus dioicus, Iranian magic tree, and Japanese cherry shuld be mentioned here. Crown of Rays (Solidago x hybrida), ornamental apple tree, white and purple lilac delight in the flowering season. There is a gazebo and an observation tower of 16 m in the arboretum. A nice view opens to the East and South on the top. Elodea, Hydrocaris, Nymphaea alba, Nuphar lutea, Typha angustifolia, Iris pseudacorus, Iris siberica are remarkable plants living in the two lakes of the Arboretum. There is a Presentation House that was opened on the occasion of the 125-th anniversary of Károly Kaán's birth. Visitors can see a permanent exhibition of the wildlife of Farkassziget and the history of reserach on tree planting on saline soils.
In the Püspökladány-Farkassziget Arboretum works the Elemér Tury Ecocamp.
S t o r y :
The establishment of the Arboretum of Püspökladány was started in 1954 in the frame of reserach on tree planting on saline soils. The aim was to utilize sites with saline soils and forest steppe climate, and to enrich the range of forest tree species. Forestation with ornamental trees, selection and presentation of the necessary tree and shrub species and cultivars were targeted as a secondary objective. Therefore, trees were planted on a part of the arboretum like multi-storeyed forests, with spacing 2 x 2 m, dense and often mixed stands. 1,290 species, cultivars and varieties were planted on a former arable land of 2 ha. Since the establishment, 450 tree and shrub species were left in the stand wose canopy has become completely closed. In 1988, the area of the Arboretum was expanded to 8 hectares.
E c o l o g y :
There is a wide variety of soils here. On smaller spots, solonetzic meadow saline soil can be identified by the surface, meadow chernozem soil is characteristic of larger spots. Typical native plants of the areas of worse quality are Festuca pseudovina - Achillea setacea association, and Lolium perenne - Cynodon dactylon - Poa angustifolia association on the better quality areas. The geographic location of the arboretum: 47° 19' North latitude, 21° 09' East longitude, Altitude 89 m. The average annual temperature is 10.2 ° C, the lowest temperature ever recorded was -31.5° C, the highest was +40.4°. Drought period inevitably occurs almost every year in the second half of the summer. In this case, the air temperature keeps rising above 25 ° C, while the relative humidity falls below 40 %. The average annual rainfall is 525 mm, May and June are usually the wettes.
Meteorology data of Püspökladány
R e s e a r c h :
The office building of the Forest Research Institute is located on the area of the Arboretum. There is the statue of Károly Kaán in front of it, who was a pioneer of nature conservation and plain forestation. The Salinization Investigating Yard of Püspökladány was established on his initiative in the autumn of 1924. A statue depicting Pál Magyar was also put up here. Pál Magyar was a Doctor of Biological Sciences who is considered to be the founder of the Hungarian forest ecology. He was the first researcher and the manager of the experimental station. Beside the road to the Presentation House you can find the statue of Elemér Tury who was conducting research before and after World War II, until 1963.
O p e n i n g h o u r s :
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
Friday: 8:00 am – 13:00 pm
All the time on foot
No admission fee
C o n t a c t :
János Rásó - Head of Experimental Station
4150 Püspökladány, Farkassziget 3.
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A c c o m m o d a t i o n :