Over the past 80 years the enlargement of Hungary's forestland has been gradually accelerated. Large-scale forestation and tree planting created 2 million ha forestland so far from that of hardly more than 1 million ha in 1920 that means approximately 350 million m3 growing stock as forest resource. The FRI has remarkably contributed to its professional background and implementation. Each year 13 million m3 of increment are added to our national forests 7 million m3 of which are being harvested during the thinning and final cutting. At the same time
forests are at our service in a whole range of tasks (water resources protection, biodiversity protection, soil protection, CO2 absorption), whose socio-economic importance has just begun to be realized recently. Thus, forest management should meet the economic, protection and public welfare needs of the society. Considering the economy, environment, and renewable energy resources from forest management, the strategic aim of Hungary is to enlarge forested areas by means of forestation especially on wastelands. Over the coming decades there will be an increase in the demand for wood as raw
material for renewable energy. However, it is likely that the society will have a stronger need for conservational and recreational functions of the forest. To prepare for the impacts of the economic changes and the uncertainties of raw material and energy market, to prepare for climate change, and to develop a strategy are of particular responsibility especially in a sector where the growing cycle sometimes may exceed 100 years. Because of the dominance of its social duties and results brought about after a longlasting process, forestry can face this professional challenge only in case if it will have a
well-based and long-term financial support that is adaptable to the specific features of forest management. R & D and innovation are essential, as forest management and education can makea good use of their results, they serve as a modern biological and economic basis, offer a scientific background to a well-organized network of consultants, they keep abreast with the international development of forestry, and provide the society with a practical knowledge in order to influence its views.