The main aim of economic research is to broaden our knowledge in order to coordinate economic and ecological demands. A considerable part of the tasks is related to the short-term and long-term conflicts in forestry, and those of market orientation and forming more stable forest ecosystems. The most important research fields include:
• The effects of careful forest management on profitability
Although careful forest utilization may cause growing costs but its impact on income is clearly positive. At the same time severe disturbances affect both costs and – in most cases – income negatively. In the case of different ways of forest utilization we investigate factors affecting costs and revenue and calculate their effect.
• Determination of the income related to disturbances
The system of analysis enables us to evaluate the expected income from forestry according to a more or less objective standard. Objectiveness is guaranteed by norm-referenced income and costs. Analysis and evaluation are carried out on the level of direct costs so, practically, starting from forest plot, any level of forest management (forestry owner, forestry, forest management, landscape unit, the whole country) can be evaluated with the same method. Costs of logging and those of regeneration are being calculated solely excluding the impact of other activities, so that the results represent revenue from silviculture.
• Cost and revenue analysis of forest regeneration and logging
The evaluation system is based on the economic model of various forestry technologies and that of the assortment which provides information for forest evaluation and other kinds of analysis.
• Issues of private forests
As a result of compensation for lost private properties in the communist era and due to the allotment of the agricultural cooperatives’ forest land among their members, 40 % of Hungary’s forests became private. This form of ownership requires different legal regulations and forest management methods in a number of areas. Research comprehends the investigation of the relation between private and state forest management, the support to property communities, the availability of information and subsidy, the relation between state and private forestry.
• The use of environmental impact studies in forestry
The aim of he environmental impact study (EIS) is to estimate and assess all the relevant expectable effects of human activities. The EIS preparation requires a systemic approach to the problems and the overall assessment of effects. In all cases ecological conditions and technical-economical impacts are investigated. Research is aimed at the exploration of the logical relations between effect-cost-benefit that can be considered in the case of some relevant forest disturbances (forest assessment, reforestation, plantation).
• Other research areas
Evaluation of forest management practices is necessary for the protection and recreation services of the forests and different from general forest management. Financial analysis of forest management for public interest. Analyses and research necessary for regulation of forest management. Investigations of financing system of forest regeneration. Additional costs of forest services except wood production. Cost-benefit analyses needed for forest resource assessment and forest valuation in the field of silviculture and wood utilization. The impact of forest management on profitability and on the value of forest stand. Allowances in forest management.